1.4.4 |
- Fixed a bug where scrolling did not work in full-screen mode when the diary content was long
1.4.3 |
- Added a YouTube video feature to the reading screen
- Modified the UI on the diary writing screen
- Improved performance for full-screen view
- Other performance improvements
1.4.2 |
- Alarm settings screen bug action
1.4.1 |
- Added notification feature
- Added auto-save function on the diary-writing screen
- Improved formatting (colors, etc.) on the writing and editing screens
- Added intro screen
- Added announcements screen
- Improved preservation of formatting when saving as PDF
- Marked Sundays in red
- Displayed user email in settings
- Fixed logout bug
- On the goal management screen, each goal's calendar now shows the current month
- Added tutorial
1.3.2 |
- Added frequently used emojis feature and new emojis
- Fixed a bug where the gallery year was not clearly visible in Dark Mode
- Revised translations
- Other feature improvements
1.3.0 |
- Improve Home Screen performance
- Improve Gallery performance
- Enhance animation effects on the reading screen
- Add left-right swipe functionality to the reading screen
- Fix a bug where images are not displayed in the desktop app
- Change the default start screen to the List tab
- Improve Time Capsule UI/UX
- Miscellaneous performance improvements
1.2.0 |
- Add Home Screen (Memo, D-day, Goal Management, This Month’s Plan features)
- Add text editing properties when writing a diary
- Add "View Photos of the Day" feature to diary reading screen
- Add "Memories of That Day" feature
- Add background music to reading mode
- Add Home Screen settings
- Add image animation effects
- Add gallery year grouping
- Add gallery display count setting
- Miscellaneous performance improvements
- Improve UI/UX
1.1.2 |
- Chinese, Japanese, and Spanish versions released
- Other bug fixes
1.1.0 |
- Add PDF download feature
- Add image sharing feature
- Automatic diary title addition feature
1.0.3 |
- Improve the UI for adding images in the diary entry screen
- Fix the bug related to address input during diary entry
- Fix the bug where the wrong date is added when writing a diary from the calendar screen
- Adjust the size of dialogs on desktop and tablet
- Improve synchronization on desktop and tablet
1.0.2 |
1.0.1 |
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